My Acrostic Poem Slice of Life 4/1

This is a blog post for the first day of SLICE OF LIFE and I’m excited and nervous I don’t have much time so I put together the Acrostic poem of me. In the poem the k stands for kind because I think I’m kind the r stands for radiant cause I’m radiant, I think. The i stands for incredible because my sister has called me incredible and she doesn’t say stuff like that very often, the s stands for sometimes bossy cause I can get bossy a little. The h stands for happy cause basically all the time I’m happy and lastly, the a stands for awesome because … I’m awesome! Thanks and come back to see more blog posts from me.




This is my Avatar made on this app.

The app first asked you if you were a girl or a boy and then it asked you  what color hair, eyes, mouth, lips, eybrows, and t-shirt you wanted.Then, you choose the shape of your face,  hair, eyes, t-shirt, nose, and lips. Next, it asked you the design of your background then the color of it. I choose purple because purple and teal look good together and there my favorite

I am wearing teal because its my favorite color and I wear teal alot. I have dark brown hair and eyes I choose an oval shape head cause thats what my friend said I had. I also have regular eyes and regular eyebrows. I had tons of fun making my avatar on this app.


What would you do make it look like you, make different, or make it made up? I hope you enjoy my blog and continue to keep coming back.

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